Title: A Gospel Fueled Church
Text: Acts 2:42–47
All Sermons | Text–Driven | Christ–Centered
Title: A Gospel Fueled Church
Text: Acts 2:42–47
Title: Spirit–Empowered, World–Evangelizing, Christ–Centered Ninjas
Text: Acts 2:1–41
Title: Finding God's Will for your Next Decision
Text: Acts 1:12–26
Title: God Drew us out to Draw us in.
Text: Exodus 33–40
Title: A Christ-Centered Woman
Text: Proverbs 31:10–31
Text: Exodus 25–30
Title: What it Looks like when the Gospel Invades Your Work!
Text: Matthew 25:14–30
Title: The Impact of Jesus Resurrection on Your Life
Text: Mark 15:40–16:8
Title: The 10 Commandments: How I Broke Them & Jesus Kept Them
Text: Exodus 20
Title: Spiritual Battles
Text: Exodus 17:8–18:27
Title: Sometimes God Confuses Me
Text: Exodus 13–15
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Title: God Sends Plagues to Destroy Your Idols
Text: Exodus 7:7–10
Title: What Does It Look Like When God is About to Take You to the Next Level?
Text: Exodus 3–4
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Title: Repentance
Text: Jonah 1:5–2:10
I will never forget a particular lady who came into my office and informed me that she was a prostitute. She said, “I need help; I’m desperate.” So I presented the claims of Christ to her. Then I said, “Would you like to invite Jesus Christ into your life?” She said, “Yes,” and she prayed. I said, “Now, I want you to do something. Do you have your book with all your contacts?” She said she did. I said, “Let’s light a match to it and burn it.” She looked at me and said, “What do you mean?” I said, “If you want to live for Jesus Christ, and you’ve truly accepted His forgiveness and met Him as your Savior, then you need to prove it.” She said to me, “That book is worth a lot of money. I don’t want to burn it.” She put it back in her purse and looked me right in the eye and said, “I guess I don’t really want Jesus, do I?” Then she left.
When it came down to counting the cost, she wasn’t ready. I don’t know what the outcome of that poor woman has been. I do know that she knew the facts and believed them, but she was not willing to make the sacrifice. What she kept wasn’t worth anything compared to what she could have had in Jesus Christ. (John MacArthur)
Title: I Am Jonah
Text: Mark 1:1–4
The Hebrew never says “whale.” There is a word in Hebrew for “whale,” but that’s not the word used for what swallowed Jonah.
Title: The Parody of the Cross
Text: Mark 15:15–39
Title: Overcoming Shame
Text: Mark 14:53–15:15
Title: The DNA of Faith Family Church
Text: Titus 1:5–9
Title: A Meal with Jesus
Text: Mark 14:12–26
Title: The End of the World (A Different Perspective)
Text: Mark 13