Battling Temptation

Title: Battling Temptation

Text: Matthew 4:1–11

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Have you ever tried to explain to your children the possible dangers they are facing, but cringe with the thought of these innocent children knowing the dangers? For instance,

The Truths about Temptation

Text: Matthew 4:1-2

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In Randy Alcorn’s book The Purity Principle, he gives a riveting account that exposes the truth about temptation. He said,

Why Was Jesus Baptized?

Text: Matthew 3:11–17

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A biblical baptism is a baptizo. This word never refers to sprinkling or pouring. There are Greek words that refer to those, but this is not it. Two examples will prove this. When Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, both went down into the water (Acts 8:38). Also, John chose to baptize at Aenon because there was plenty of water there (John 3:23).

How to Pave a Road for the Gospel

Text: Matthew 3:1–10

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I want to read a quote from Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the beloved Little House on the Prairie. She describes her first encounter with a mystery object while on a wagon journey with her parents in 1894 that took them through Topeka, Kansas. As I read the quote, see if you can guess the mystery object.

The Will of God and Difficulties

Text: Matthew 2:13–23

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Isaac Watts was a boy genius. He was learning Latin by age 4, Greek at age 9, French (which he took up to converse with his refugee neighbors) at age 11, and Hebrew at age 13. He was born in Southampton, England, on July 17, 1674. From an early age, he experienced two things very clearly: the will of God and difficulties. He realized that being in the will of God did not mean that someone would not face difficulties.

The King of All Kings is Born

Text: Matthew 2:1–12

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The first statement of verse one announces the most epic event in human history: “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem.” God had been moving history towards this one event. Four thousand years of symbols, pictures, and road signs all pointed to the birth of this promised Messiah. God used history to accomplish His purpose, and now we are at the center and axis of all history—the birth of the King of all kings.

That All the Earth May Know God

Text: I Samuel 17                                                                                               

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I fear that we make this story say what we want it to say. What is this story teaching? What is the author intending to say? If we find the author’s intent then we find God’s intent.  We enjoy saying memorable phrases like “Some say Goliath is too big to kill. David said he is too big to miss”—spoken by a preacher who loves clichés. Is one memorable statement all we can gather from this story, even if it is a creative one like “Do not bring a sword to a rock fight”? Is that what the text is really teaching? Is it all about us?

Listening to Preaching

Text: Nehemiah 8:1–8                                   

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In chapters 1–7 Nehemiah, despite much opposition, led the city in the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. In destroying Jerusalem and the temple, Babylon had not simply destroyed a city and a building. Rather, they had destroyed the heart of Israel’s identity as a people, causing Israel to question if God’s plan for the ages had failed. The Babylonians destroyed the walls and nearly destroyed Israel’s faith. Text: Nehemiah 8:1–8                                   

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Why Are You So Unhappy?

Title: Philippians 4:11–13

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To be honest, not only is the world filled with unhappy people, but the church is too. My most difficult task of the night is at this moment. I have to show you your unhappiness even when you do not think you are. Let me assure you that seeing your unhappiness could be the best thing that has ever happened to you.

A Birth Like No Other


Text: Matthew 1:18-25

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Friends, we have here a birth like no other. It is unlike any other human birth because it is scientifically and biologically impossible. It is unlike any mythological birth because it is true. It was a real event recorded in the pages of history for us.

Knowing Jesus through Psalm 22

Text: Psalm 22

David wrote this psalm 1,000 years before Christ came to this earth. He writes as a historian and as a prophet (Acts 2:29-39). This psalm speaks of David’s current events and Christ’s future events. David’s words in this psalm are transcending his own events and pointing to the events of Christ. For instance, does Psalm 22:18 refer to David or to Jesus?

Living Like Jesus is Coming

Text: Philippians 4:1-9

Date: 8/18/2015

We must never separate our present life on earth from our future existence in heaven. God has designed life to affect eternity. Paul connected his life with eternity. Paul’s present joy was in view of his prospective crown (4:1). There is a way in which God has designed the Christian life to be lived. Some believers have the mentality that life is to be endured so they can get to heaven that is to be enjoyed. These people have the “Hang On” mentality and walk through life trying to survive instead of making a difference. This “Hold the Fort” line of thinking is not found in Scripture. God’s people are to be advancing...