Text: Matthew 1:18-25
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Friends, we have here a birth like no other. It is unlike any other human birth because it is scientifically and biologically impossible. It is unlike any mythological birth because it is true. It was a real event recorded in the pages of history for us.
Text: Psalm 22
David wrote this psalm 1,000 years before Christ came to this earth. He writes as a historian and as a prophet (Acts 2:29-39). This psalm speaks of David’s current events and Christ’s future events. David’s words in this psalm are transcending his own events and pointing to the events of Christ. For instance, does Psalm 22:18 refer to David or to Jesus?
Text: Philippians 4:1-9
Date: 8/18/2015
We must never separate our present life on earth from our future existence in heaven. God has designed life to affect eternity. Paul connected his life with eternity. Paul’s present joy was in view of his prospective crown (4:1). There is a way in which God has designed the Christian life to be lived. Some believers have the mentality that life is to be endured so they can get to heaven that is to be enjoyed. These people have the “Hang On” mentality and walk through life trying to survive instead of making a difference. This “Hold the Fort” line of thinking is not found in Scripture. God’s people are to be advancing...