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Why Are You So Unhappy?

Title: Philippians 4:11–13

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To be honest, not only is the world filled with unhappy people, but the church is too. My most difficult task of the night is at this moment. I have to show you your unhappiness even when you do not think you are. Let me assure you that seeing your unhappiness could be the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Living Like Jesus is Coming

Text: Philippians 4:1-9

Date: 8/18/2015

We must never separate our present life on earth from our future existence in heaven. God has designed life to affect eternity. Paul connected his life with eternity. Paul’s present joy was in view of his prospective crown (4:1). There is a way in which God has designed the Christian life to be lived. Some believers have the mentality that life is to be endured so they can get to heaven that is to be enjoyed. These people have the “Hang On” mentality and walk through life trying to survive instead of making a difference. This “Hold the Fort” line of thinking is not found in Scripture. God’s people are to be advancing...